Honored to have placed third at the fifth annual Judeica Show this year! Many thanks to the Hillells of the Florida Suncoast for hosting the event.
This year the theme was, The Book of Numbers. It felt nice to take some time and do some reading and research for this piece.
It is said that Aaron’s rod, was made of an almond branch, and upon
his appointment as resurrected High Priest, his rod budded and flowered,
as a sign that he was chosen to lead the generations forward.
The almond tree is a progressive symbol in the Jewish faith of new
life and new beginnings. As it’s amongst the first to bloom and awaken
from winter’s sleep, I noted strong parallels with the new generation of
Israelites who awaken in faith and new leadership to move their people
forward to a better life.
of the Wall, or in its more familiar abbreviation, WOW, is a group of
mostly religiously observant women who believe that women should be
allowed to pray as a group at the Kotel, read from a Torah scroll and
wear tallit. [x]
never cease to be amazed at the capacity of jews to take negative
things and transform them into the positive…. To take an insult and
transform it into a rallying cry. Things like #Gettlefish, and
#extravagantjewishwealth here on tumblr, among many more real-life
circumstances, which I’m sure many of you have seen or experienced -
situations where jews took the words or actions of antisemites and
turned them into something empowering.
That said, this week was parshas Zachor - going into Purim, it’s our
job to to remember what Amalek did to us, in order to wipe out Amalek
from under the heavens… But who is Amalek, and what on Earth are we
supposed to do by remembering him. How do you perform such a mitzvah?!
Amalek was a king… An antisemite, not unlike those today, except that
then, there weren’t any laws - or law enforcement - to get in their
way. He came to attack the jews in the desert, shortly after the
splitting of the sea. How? He came to attack from the rear, attacking
the stragglers… Those who were falling behind.
After the splitting of the sea, we were invincible. We were
untouchable. We were G-d’s people, who had been delivered from the hands
of the Egyptians with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. We knew
it… And the nations did as well. They were afraid, and even if they
hated us, they respected that we should be left alone, because we had
the omnipresent on our side (still do, by the way!). We were compared to
a scalding pool of water - we were burning, the flames of our souls
searing the sand on which we placed our feet and reached the skies.
Amalek was compared to the fool who jumped in first. Much like today’s
antisemites, he let his hate rule over him until he had to let go of
logic and reason in order to perpetuate it. He got burned, yes. He was
defeated. But it cooled us down. It made us vulnerable again, in the
eyes of the nations… And even more important, it made us vulnerable in
our own eyes.
Sure enough, the perpetrator of the plan to destroy us in the time of
Mordechai and Ester - Haman - was a descendent of Amalek, and, of
course, of the same stock of logicless antisemite. In the days of Purim,
the jews ate gettlefi- I mean, they took the plan of Haman, to destroy
the jews, and ultimately, through their taking on of the mitzvos, and
being proud of being jewish, they reversed the decree, and it was in the
end brought upon those who decreed it, Haman and his 10 sons. Adar was a
month that, like Av, was marked for us to be a month of sadness and
tragedy… And in the wording of the posuk “נהפך מיגון לשמחה”, it was
transformed from sadness to joy!
Who is Amalek now? Amalek (עמלק, 70-40-30-100, gematria of 240) has
the same gematria, numerical value as sofek (ספק, 60-80-100, 240)
meaning “doubt”. Amalek is the doubt that comes into you when you are
excited to do something good. He says to you “Maybe you should cool off.
Don’t move so fast. Maybe this isn’t the right thing to do. You’re too
tired. There’s always tomorrow”… It is a commandment in the Torah to
destroy Amalek. To rise above the doubt, and be a jew, and be proud. I
don’t care what these social justice nuts on this website say, the
antisemites of our generation, who push off logic for hate. Be proud to
be jewish! Light shabbos candles, put on tefillin. In our generation,
the real mesiras nefesh isn’t in dying for judaism. it’s in living as a
jew. It’s time to stop dying, and to start living proudly in our
heritage. And don’t worry, we’ll take all the other months, just like
Adar… And we’ll reverse them too. We’ll transform the darkness into
light, and the sadness into joy, and there is NOBODY who can stop us.
Here is a super-quick(literally created in five minutes) list of websites you can find shiurim. A few have more advanced classes but on most you can find a wide range of topics/levels to listen or watch. Feel free to add. I might update later…
We should talk about the Daughters of Tzelophechad more.
This is one of the most important narratives in the Torah, and it
doesn’t get a lot of attention. The basic story is this: God has
recently given the laws of land inheritance, in preparation for entering
into the Land of Israel. And the standard rule is that when the head of
the household dies, the land will be divided among the sons in the
Now a modern ear can probably already hear the problem with this formula. It’s so obvious: What about daughters??
But in those days, it took a family with only daughters to
realize that the law, as written, would cause them to lose their land
completely once the patriarch died. And that is exactly the case that
the daughters of Tzelophechad - Machla, Noa, Chogla, Milka, and Tirtza -
bring before Moses:
Why should the name of our father be lost from family because he had no son? Give us a holding among our father’s brothers!(Numbers 27:4)
And Moses, the great leader and the supreme judge of the Children of
Israel… has no idea what to say to them. He seems stumped by the
question. So he brings their case before God. And God’s response is one
of the most surprising and critical lines in the whole Torah:
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (NIV) Hear,
O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.
Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and
when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Now, the whole enterprise of Torah commentary is founded on asking
questions about the Biblical text. But there are certain questions that
are legendary in the genre, questions that have plagued scholars for
centuries. This week we run into one of the classics: “What did Moses do
that was so wrong?”
The story goes like this. The people are - once again - complaining.
They are hungry, and thirsty, and wishing they’d never left Egypt. In
fact, they actually say they wish they’d rather have died back there.
So Moses and Aaron nervously take the matter to God, who instructs
them to raise their staff to convene the people, and then order a rock
to produce water, which it will then miraculously do.
But when everyone had gathered together, Moses suddenly loses his temper and says, “Listen you rebels, shall we get water for you from this rock?!”
and then strikes the rock with the staff, twice. And it works! Water
starts flowing out of the rock, enough for all the people and their
animals to drink.
But there seems to be a big problem. Because now God is angry, and proceeds to deliver Moses and Aaron a devastating punishment:
Deuteronomy 32:2 (NLT) Let my teaching fall on you like rain; let my speech settle like dew. Let my words fall like rain on tender grass, like gentle showers on young plants.
Saturday night, thousands of Israelis gathered in Jerusalem and Tel
Aviv to rally for tolerance. The twin demonstrations followed a weekend
of violence that left a 16-year-old Israeli woman and a Palestinian toddler
dead—the former stabbed at Jerusalem’s gay pride parade by an
ultra-Orthodox man, and the latter burned to death in his home by
suspected Jewish terrorists. The gatherings were addressed by many
politicians and cultural leaders, including Israeli President Reuven
Rivlin and his predecessor Shimon Peres, who each spoke powerfully about
the need to fight extremism. But perhaps one of the most moving
speeches of the evening came from an unlikely source: an Orthodox rabbi
named Benny Lau.
Lau, the nephew of a former Israeli chief rabbi
(and cousin of a current one), leads a modern Orthodox congregation in
South Jerusalem, and is known for his efforts
to bridge the country’s wide secular-religious divide. Standing in Zion
Square before hundreds of rainbow flags, he forcefully denounced those
who use religious Judaism as justification for their homophobia and
Lau opened with a reference to Deuteronomy 21,
which instructs the Israelites to perform a ritual when a dead traveler
is found in the field, in which the elders of the nearest town
proclaim, “Our hands did not shed this blood.” The recent murders in
Israel, Lau noted, offer no such escape from responsibility.
is not possible to say ‘our hands did not spill this blood,‘” the rabbi
said. “Anyone who has been at a Sabbath table, or in a classroom, or in a
synagogue, or at a soccer pitch, or in a club, or at a community
center, and heard the racist jokes, the homophobic jokes, the obscene
words, and didn’t stand up and stop it, he is a partner to this
“All the worshippers in all the synagogues in Israel,”
Lau continued, “all of them heard today, this very day, heard for
themselves the Ten Commandments [in the weekly Torah portion]. And in
them, at the top, they stood and heard, ‘Do not murder.'”
“In the
name of what Torah,” he asked, his voice cracking with emotion, “in the
name of what God, does someone go and murder, do people go and burn a
baby and his entire family? Whose Torah is this?”
Lau also took aim at those in the religious community who offered
only lukewarm condemnation of the fatal pride parade attack in
Jerusalem. “It is unacceptable that after Thursday night’s stabbing,
someone should come and say that he condemns the act because ‘a Jew
doesn’t stab another Jew,'” he said. “That is racism. A Jew does not
stab another human being. Period.”
The rabbi concluded with a plea
for those present to reclaim the Jewish tradition from those who have
used it to justify violence. “We must free the Torah of Israel from the
handcuffs that she has been bound in by people of darkness,” he said.
“The Torah is a Torah of light, and Judaism must illuminate the world.”
Watch Lau’s full speech, with English subtitles (above)
depictions of the Hebrew-Israelites. These are no Turkish Arabs, or
modern Middle-Easterners, nor are they Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.
These are NEGROES. Coily hair, nappy beards, Afros, cornrow braids, and
(dread) locks. The people currently in Israel carry the Y-DNA Haplotype
J, which originates in the Caucasus Mountains of Europe; hence the name
for Europeans, “Caucasian”. The identity of these people (The real
Hebrew-Israelites) shall no longer be hidden.
The people
occupying modern-day Israel and Palestine are Ashkenazi and Sephardic
Europeans, who the United States, founder of the “Jewish Agency for
Israel”, moved into the new state of Israel in 1948, and Turkish Arabs,
who moved in prior to the Ottoman Empire as “Oghuz Turks”, but
predominately during that conquest. To this day, many people name Adolf
Hitler a bastard, but even Hitler himself referred to the European Jews
as, “baltard”, meaning bastard.
Zechariah 9:6 - “And a bastard
shall dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Philistines.”
- Ashdod is an Israeli-occupied city, formerly of
Palestine/Philistine/Philistia. That BASTARD is the European Jews
(Ashkenazi and Sephardic) in which currently control the Zionist state
of Israel. To this day, they are attacking/cutting off the pride of the
“Philistines”. Of course, these are Turkish Arabs, but still the
Back to Hitler, you can find this quote in a book titled, “The Nazis: World War II”, by Robert Edwin Herzstein, on page 132.
Above: An apparent Hebrew-Israelite Bantu man from the Mongo people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
A Hamitic Bantu man from the Bobai people of the Democratic Republic of
the Congo, and a Hamitic-Nilotic (Nile Valley) man from the Dinka
people of southern Sudan in the upper Nile regions.
man above, and people like him, carry the Y-DNA Haplotype E1b1a and its
subclades, the genetic lineage of the Hebrew-Israelites. Roughly 96% of
so-called “African-Americans” carry this gene, mostly from the Igbo and
Yoruba peoples of Nigeria. This is the bloodline of Shem. The men
below, and people like them, carry the Y-DNA Haplotype E1b1b in the
Bantus, and Haplogroup A and its subclades in the Nilotic regions of
Africa. (And others if I’m correct) This is the bloodline of Ham.
Ham (ham,
perhaps hot) - “1. The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96
years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the
Flood. He became the progenitor of the DARK RACES; NOT THE NEGROES, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans, and Canaanites (Gen. 10:6-20)…“ - From the Zondervan Compact Bible Dictionary
Y-DNA Haplogroup E1b1a is dispersed in a manner that fits the Congolese
Bantu man above, but not the Congolese Bantu man below. (And definitely
not the Nilotic man) Can someone explain that for me? Our Y-DNA
Haplogroup E1b1a trails off at the Bantu lands and does not appear
anywhere else on the African continent.
Can someone explain that for me?
The assumption that one from the
same continent is the same as everyone else, only separated by skin
tones, is false, and is NOT genetically supported. Not everybody that’s
skinfolk is kinfolk. There is no one “African” race. There is no African
race period, because ancient people did not see all of themselves as
one in the same just because they live near each other; they were called
by their bloodline and nationality. (Egyptians did not see themselves
as Nubians, yet they both lived in the Nile Valley) If your genetic
bloodline, your Y-DNA Haplotype is not the same as someone else’s, they
are not your people. Hap. A and Hap. E are not the same just because
they are so-called “black” people. The mummies and remains of Egypt
match those of the Nubian and Cushtic descendants in Djibouti, Sudan,
non-Arab parts of Egypt, etc. They do NOT match so-called
African-Americans. We are not Egyptians, nor are we Nubians. (Cushites)
3:10 says, “From beyond the rivers of Cush, my suppliants, even the
daughter of my dispersed, (Hebrew-Israelites) shall bring mine
This is stating that Hebrew-Israelites would
eventually be beyond the (Nile) rivers of Cush, or Ethiopia in modern
times, and dwell in places like the Bantu lands, where so called
“African-Americans” come from.
Dr. Yehoshua ben Ephraim, and @omofalshan on Instagram,
(Geneticist) have provided this information both scripturally,
historically, geographically, and more importantly, GENETICALLY.
We are the original Semitic people. (Arabs in today’s semantic terms)
you want to understand the ventures and history of forcibly relocated
people, like us so called “African-Americans”, study the the origins of
the Bantu tribes we were taken from before slavery, and the different
types of people within their congregation. Once you can find a
historically migrational, and genetic distinction between people or
linking people, you will know for certain who you are.
are your FATHER. The Y-DNA paternal lineage of the father is your
genetic race, ancestral nationality, and your bloodline. It separates us
by race, breaking the myth that racial ideologies, not racist, aren’t
supported by science. The mother’s maternal mt-DNA (Mitochondrial)
connects us as humans, shows migrations, mixed-in-races, and so forth.
It does NOT affect the race your father gives you, even for women who
receive a Y-Chromosome which they cannot pass on.
If your father
is European, Native American, (Including Hispanics/Latinos) or anything
but “African-American”, that is your genetic race within your blood.
White father + black mother = white baby that looks like a light-skinned
black. Simple. Gentiles can be grafted into the nation, but there is no
such thing as “Spiritual Israel”, which is the false doctrine
Catholics, Christians, Hebrew-Israelite camps, and Jewish converts
people know today as African-Americans, take as slaves to the Americas
from the Bantu lands of the African continent have been forcibly
invaded, relocated, massacred, robbed, forced to adhere to false
religions, and stripped of all of our knowledge of self.
I am not
here to indoctrinate you. The term Hebrew-Israelite denotes a
lifestyle, a bloodline, a rich, up and down history and overall one of
the greatest stories ever told.
Camp doctrines from the likes of GOCC, AOC, ISUPK, ICUIC, LOI, (Lions of
Israel) FOPE, GMS (Belly of Hell), and other so-called Hebrew Israelite
camps are not to be trusted. That goes for things like the 12 Tribes
Chart, any external claims of Native Americans, including Central and
Southern, Esau and the Edomites being Caucasians, God hating people, and
many other camp doctrines birthed from verses take out of context, and
pseudohistorical distortions.
This page is dedicated to waking up
the lost sheep of Yashra'al through genetics, scripture, history;
Promoting understanding of our situation and relations and distinctions
to people like Native Americans and Hamitic-Africans; Detailing the
rich, truthful, and hidden history of our people; and promoting general
knowledge, wisdom, and understanding.
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