Signs and Symbols
Signs and Symbols
435 Pines
adding a time perspective helps us in
framing challenges, in mapping potential intentions, and in delineating
the units of our ultimate meaning and purpose...
We are approaching the only Blood Moon
Tetrad in this Millennium. Four lunar eclipses occurring on the Passover
and the Feast of Tabernacles in two successive years are phenomenal.
But add to them two solar eclipses on the two days that open the Jewish
year is uncanny. Jesus said, "There will be signs in the sun, moon and
stars…When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your
heads, because your redemption is drawing near." {Luke 21: 25a, 28}
Prehistoric Goddess pendant carved from amber, from Eastern Europe by lisby1
Arrival or departure of a young warrior or
hero (maybe Theseus arriving at Athens and being recognized because of
his sword by Aegeus). Apul...
A gilded wooden figurine of a deer from the Pazyryk burials, 5th century BC.
Roundel with a Personification of the Moon
Date: ca. 860–890 Culture: Carolingian The Metropolitan Museum
This plaque is one of the earliest known examples of the
cloisonné-enamel technique in the West. The moon (luna) is symbolically
represented here as a female sky goddess riding in a chariot and holding
Papyrus covered, flat circular hypocephalus
with a thin coating of pale yellow gesso: Ancient Egyptian, Ptoleamic
Coffin of the estate overseer Khnumhotep,
son of Nebtu, made of wood painted white with three horizontal yellow
mummy bands : Ancient Egyptian, from Deir Rifeh, Middle Kingdom, second
half of the 12th Dynasty, c.1940-1760 BC
Pair of doors [Egypt] (91.1.2064) | wood
inlaid with carved ivory panels / Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History |
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tiny Solid Gold Statuette of Amenophis III Found the Tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, Egypt
World's oldest map: Spanish cave has
landscape from 14,000 years ago. A stone tablet found in a cave in
Abauntz in the Navarra region of northern Spain is believed to contain
the earliest known representation of a landscape. Archaeologists have
discovered what they believe is man's earliest map, dating from almost
14,000 years ago.
This is an ancient lunar calendar made by
the Aurignacian people (47,000-41,000 years ago). The Aurignacian
culture is an archaeological culture of the Upper Palaeolithic, located
in Europe and southwest Asia, lasted within the period from ca. 45,000
to 35,000 years ago. The name originates from the type site of Aurignac
in the Haute-Garonne area of France.
-- Ancient Paleolithic paintings in Lascaux (Southwest France.) This
cave art is located near the village of Montignac. Dates to around
12,000 BCE.
Aquamanile in the Form of a Lion, ca. 1400
German (Nuremberg) Copper alloy [Germany (Nuremberg)] (1994.244) |
Heilbrunn In addition to providing intriguing interpretations of
animals, bestiaries offered tales about the existence of bizarre and
loathsome creatures, many of which appeared in medieval art. Source:
Animals in Medieval Art | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art
History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Berlin Golden Hat is a tall, conical
artifact made of hammered gold and decorated with astronomic symbols
including the moon almost 3000 years old. It dates back to 1000-800 BC
and may have been used as the ceremonial hat of a high priest or ruler
used when worshipping the sun. It is possible that the Berliner Gold
Hat was also used as a calendar: the symbols on the artefact would have
permitted the determination of dates or periods in both lunar and solar
calendars. (repin)
The Goddess Inanna in breast-offering pose.
As early as 3500 B.C.E. Inanna was worshiped as the great Goddess of
Sumeria. Also known as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Priestess of Heaven,
Light of the World, First Daughter of the Moon, Righteous Justice, Holy
Shepherdess, and Loud Thundering Storm.
A seashell beautifully placed in a
Palaeolithic tool (from the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology,
Cambridge) Via @Iris Loos Loos Loos T. archaeology
Lapis lazuli was being mined in the
Badakhshan province of Afghanistan as early as the 3rd millennium BC,[2]
and there are sources that are found as far east as in the region
around Lake Baikal in Siberia. Trade in the stone is ancient enough for
lapis jewelry to have been found at Predynastic Egyptian and ancient
Sumerian sites, and as lapis beads at neolithic burials in Mehrgarh, the
Caucasus, and even as far from Afghanistan as Mauritania.
Suppressed By Scholars: Twin Ancient
Cultures On Opposite Sides Of The Pacific [14-05-2012 Before It's News]
St. Catherine’s Monastery is going digital.
The monastery that claims to be the oldest in the world — not
destroyed, not abandoned in 17 centuries — has begun digitizing its
ancient manuscripts for the use of scholars...The librarian, Fr Justin,
says the monastery’s library will grow an internet database of
first-millennium manuscripts, which up until now have been kept under
lock and key. Should a scholar want a manuscript, they need only email
Fr Justin.
The Septuagint is a 3rd to 2nd Century BC
Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. The below fragments of the
Minor Prophets, found in the "Nahal Hever" Cave, are evidence that the
Septuagint originally contained the name Yahweh. The first is an
ancient fragment of the Septuagint dated between 50 BC and 50 AD. The
Tetragrammaton is indicated with the large black arrow.
The Septuagint is a 3rd to 2nd Century BC
Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. The below fragments of the
Minor Prophets, found in the "Nahal Hever" Cave, are evidence that the
Septuagint originally contained the name Yahweh. The first is an
ancient fragment of the Septuagint dated between 50 BC and 50 AD. The
Tetragrammaton is indicated with the large black arrow.
Symbols dating from the oldest period of
Vinča culture (6th-5th millennia BC) Some scholars believe that the
Vinča symbols represent the earliest form of writing ever found,
predating ancient Egyptian and Sumerian writing by thousands of years.
Since the inscriptions are all short and appear on objects found in
burial sites, and the language represented is not known, it is highly
unlikely they will ever be deciphered.
African symbols known as adinkra are
ubiquitous in Ghana, a beautiful West African country on the Atlantic,
situated between Cote d'Ivoire and Togo. On cloth and walls, in pottery
and logos, these Asante tribe symbols can be found everywhere.
26 symbols that have appeared again and again at worldwide sites across 25,000 years of prehistory.
The physician’s prayer is an emotional plea
by the healer for guidance. The twelve tribes, a mortar & pestle,
medical herbs, and Moses’ brass serpent symbolize the healing art.
The Israelites spoke against God and Moses
in the desert, and God sent serpents that bit them—and many died. They
repented, and Moses prayed for them. Yahweh had Moses make a bronze
serpent to heal those who looked upon it (Num 21:4–9).

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