Atajos de teclado
Los atajos de teclado están disponibles para acciones comunes y navegación del sitio.Anniversary airborne assault
Before you fret upon the challenges of your day, remember those who faced the longest day. #DDay71
Gems Jewellery have a display of World War 2 and Military antiques at the front of their stall to commemorate the D-Day Anniversary #DDay71
RT @_Holly_Renee: How thankful are you for these brave men?
"The eyes of the world are upon you..."
"The eyes of the world are upon you..."
My #DDay71 hero Arthur Jones. Landed on Gold Beach driving his Sherman Tank. We salute you sir. #DDay71
D-Day remembered, 71 years later #DDay71
Today we remember those from @Syracuse1848, @OnondagaCounty, & around the world for their service during D-Day 71 years ago. #DDay71
Honouring Lt. Garth Webb, D-Day Veteran, 14th Field Regiment,Founder of @JunoBeachCentre #DDay71
Thank you to the greatest generation. Always remember #DDay71
"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade...the eyes of the world are upon you." #DDay71 #ExitWounds
Pont Du Hoc 71 years after an incessant naval bombardment. #DDay71
On this day, 71 years from D-Day, thinking of all those who served and died in #OperationOverlord #DDay71
Tower of London Poppies @TowerOfLondon amongst the Ladybird Poppies in my garden #DDay71

Ordinary men achieved the extraordinary for us. God Bless Every One Of Them. They fought for our freedom. #DDay71

LIVE on #Periscope: Juno Beach #DDay71 …
71 years ... Thank You to all that served and sacrificed.

Forever indebted to The Boys of Pointe du Hoc and their brothers & sisters that have served Our Nation #DDay71 #USA …

Exciting changes at the D-Day Museum. Find out more & support: … - @simonrim pls RT #dday71
Today in 1944: Martin B-26B Marauder "Flak-Bait" flew 2 missions on D-Day: #DDay71
by the way: it's june of 44 day!

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Miniatura de la galería de imágenes

Miniatura de la galería de imágenes

Miniatura de la galería de imágenes

Miniatura de la galería de imágenes
Juan José retwitteó Juan José
Juan José añadió,

Hoy hace 71 años, mis abuelos junto con cientos de miles de hombres arriesgaron su vida para darnos la libertad que tenemos hoy. #DDay71
Ricardo Rico retwitteó Dr. Rand Paul
Aniversario del comienzo liberación Europa #DDay71
Ricardo Rico añadió,

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